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Our Treatment Outcomes Research

Research into impact of psychology treatment at MPC

Our aim is to provide high quality psychological treatment to our local community. We undertake research to evaluate the quality of our services and the impact on clients of attending for treatment at MPC. Our research findings help us to evaluate and improve our work.

MPC has an active working group dedicated to understanding treatment outcomes at our service. We have undertaken a research pilot study with our clients during 2020 - 2022. Overall, our research shows that clients feel understood by their psychologist and report reduced distress and improved coping as a consequence of their psychology treatment.

Psychologist's Office

Therapeutic Relationship

96.8% of clients felt that they had been listened to and that their problems were understood by their psychologist.


Shadow on the Wall

90.5% of clients report that they feel better equipped to cope after counselling sessions

Improved Coping



Shadow on the Wall_edited.jpg

92.4% of clients report that their lives have been positively impacted by treatment

Greater Wellbeing


  1. Clients reported reduced distress scores over the course of their psychology treatment.

  2. Clients reported improved functional outcomes (relationships, coping with work & life tasks) over the course of their psychology treatment.



Functional Outcomes Scores

Distress Scores

The Stats Behind the Findings

a. N = 94, where scores >7/10 suggest agreement to statement "I feel that I have been listened to and my problems understood"

b. N = 105, where scores >7/10 suggest agreement to statement "At the end of counselling sessions, I feel better equipped to cope"

c. N = 92, where scores >7/10 suggest agreement to statement "In remembering how I felt when I first contacted the service, my life has been positively impacted by treatment"

d. Distress measured by total scores on the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS: Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) which measures symptoms specific to depression, anxiety and stress over the past week. Higher scores indicate higher levels of distress. Outcome measured by the Rating of Outcomes Scale (ROS; Seidal et al., 2017) which is a subjective client report of overall wellbeing in the past week, where higher scores indicate increased wellbeing.

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