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Image by Olga Tutunaru


Staying Safe & Getting Support

  1. For immediate help: If you are worried you may harm yourself or someone else, or need immediate help for someone else in this situation: Call 000

  2. If you are in distress and/or having difficulty coping, many Australian organisations provide free online support with a mental health professional using phone, chat, and email:


Care In Mind
Phone (24 hours, 7 days): 1300 096 269
Click here for Online or Video Chat (24 hours,  7 days)

Suicide Call Back Service
Phone (24 hours, 7 days): 1300 659 467
Click here for Online Chat or Video Chat (24 hours, 7 days)

Beyond Blue
Phone (24 hours, 7 days): 1300 22 46 36
Click here for Online Chat (3pm-midnight, 7 days)

Phone (24 hours, 7 days): 13 11 14
Click here for Online Chat (7pm-midnight, 7 days)

Kids Helpline
Phone (24 hours, 7 days): 1800 55 1800
Click here for Online Chat (7pm-midnight, 7 days)


3. If you’re in a crisis or having difficulty coping during business hours call your GP to arrange an appointment for that day. If your GP is not available, use the Health Department search engine to find a GP clinic that is open and close to you:

4. Reach out to friends/family: If there is a friend or family member who you could contact for help and support, get in touch with them.

5. Create a crisis coping kit: When you’re feeling overwhelmed it can be difficult to remember all of the steps you can take to keep yourself safe, so having a written plan can be useful.  Click here to create your own crisis coping kit (Beyond Blue, 2019).
6. Develop your coping skills: When you are faced with intense emotions, it is helpful to have a range of different coping skills to call upon. Click here to try out some of the coping skills in an easy to follow information sheet by Indigo Daya (2013).  

Guide Sheet - When Your Psychologist is Unavailable

Sometimes life gets in the way and your psychologist may not be available. Below are some things that to consider that you may find helpful until your next appointment:

1. We still care. Even if we are not available, we still care about you and what happens to you. Our positive regard for you has not changed :) 

2. Practice your self-care. This can be an opportunity for you to see how you can cope with the strategies and tools we have discussed with you. Focusing on your skills, strengths and parts of your life that are going well. It is also an opportunity for you to review which areas you are doing well with, and which areas require more attention.

3. Use your support network. We are only one part of your support network. Make some time to be around supportive others, which may include other friends, family, pets and other health professionals.

4. Melbourne Psychology & Counselling may have other psychologists who can see you for a session or two until your psychologist returns, so please contact the admin team to let us know if this is something you would like to arrange.

5. If you need more urgent help, then please seek it. See your GP, call life line 13 11 14, Call 000 or present to the nearest hospital emergency department.

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Warm and Experienced
​Mental Health Professionals

Moreland Road Clinic
85 Moreland Road
​Coburg VIC 3058

P 03 9005 1769

F 03 9086 4194

© Melbourne Psychology & Counselling 2025

Click here to read our MPC policies

Melbourne Psychology & Counselling acknowledges and respects the traditional owners of the land on which we work - the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations. This land was never ceded. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, both past and present, and express our gratitude for their ongoing care for Country and cultures.

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