Research - OCD Online
Advances with OCD treatment have all stemmed from scientific research.
On this page I post some of the research that I think others may also find interesting.
You might be heartened to know that there are a lot of good people working hard to learn more about OCD and how we can improve treatment outcomes. ​
Quick Guide for OCD
This article provides clinicians with a quick reference guide to treatment for OCD.
While they are written for clincians, people with OCD and their families may be interested to get an overview of the current evidence-based approaches for treatment of OCD.
This article is not the same as clinical guidelines, which have a very strict method for evaluating research, but it does use clinical guidelines to inform the recommendations.
Incompleteness in OCD
This article talks about the sense of incompleteness that many people with OCD experience.
Incompleteness can manifest in many different ways: "not just right" experiences, intolerance of uncertainty and the "need to know" or the "need to be sure", and perfectionism. Common to all of these experiences is a sense of discomfort around things feeling ambiguous and open, rather than contained and closed.
This research can be taken to support the importance for treatment programs for OCD to target incompleteness as part of the normal CBT protocol for OCD.